We are the Window of Hope Foundation of Indonesia, who are called to work together hand in hand with those who are concerned to see the needs of young people grow and develop interest in learning for children from Early Childhood Education (children), Kindergartens, Primary, Secondary School, High School,and all the way up until University

We hope to see that the young generation of this nation will have a quality and a brilliant future,and so we realized how important it is to begin to instill the quality of education that is good and true in the early ages. Which is why we have prioritized the program of Window of Hope Indonesia by starting a kindergarten school and learning studios in the villages and tribes in the secluded areas of the 33 provinces of the Republic of Indonesia. Our goal is to establish cooperation between the community, youth leaders, prominent community leaders,across all cultures,religions and governments, both at the centre and in the regions.

We have a dream for this nation, that there will be no more ignorance and poverty,and that through the generation of children of this nation, Indonesia will be known as a great nation which have given birth to great leaders.Who are more that capable in bringing Indonesia to it’s golden age.While upholding the country’s honor and glory , nationalism and the fear of God.

“The past is gone, the period, changed. And in the midst of the ruins, Blooms A New Life”